Thursday, March 19, 2009



We had a nice time on the overnight, not too crowded and we made friends with a nice Indian guy named Vipal who works for Tata International and is soon moving to Switzerland.

On the way into Varanasi, we could watch Holi from the safety of our window. Men drunk and high throwing color on each other. It was spectacular to watch! Vipal warned us that things would be crazy until around 2pm and invited us to wait in the station waiting room with him. We ignored the warning, found an overpriced rickshaw and ventured into town to get to the hotel.

The view in was crazy, color flying everywhere men dancing and singing in the street. I looked over at one point and Steve was getting hit with red all in the face from a passing motorcycle. The rickshaw could only get us about a mile from our hotel and we had to walk in. Of course as soon as we had paid him, he instructed those around us to begin throwing color on us. Us our luggage, everything. This scene would have been a lot of fun if I was a man, but being the only woman out, it was not so fun, a few men tried to drunkenly hug me, luckily a kid led us through the maze like alleys of Old Varanasi to our hotel. Sweet Oasis from the chaos!

Our room was not ready so we ventured to breakfast with an amazing view of the great ganges.

To be cont...... need to sleep!


  1. Oh Lauren(and Steve)! You are both literally having an adventure everyday! You described India the way a lot of people describe India as a full on assault on all your senses and a lot of indescribable poverty. At the same time you're being pulled in wanting more! I'm enjoying your posts and I hope the jet lag goes away soon! Looking forward to reading more :)

  2. Guys,
    I am loving these posts. Thank you for taking the time. I want to go back right now! When you do return home let me know more about the orphanage your friend Siddhartha is running. I'd love to be involved. Keep having a blast!
