Monday, March 16, 2009



Steve & I were blessed on the trip to Frankfurt. The nice man at United Airlines bumped us up to First class and we flew in incredible style. Coach from Frankfurt to Delhi was cramped, but decent. Customs was extremely long in Delhi and boy were we out of it as it was 1:30am there. After our wait, we gathered up our bags and met our driver. Steve definitely appeared to be in shock especially when we walked to the car and passed some of India’s shadiest characters and then there was the drive…. Ah the driving in India, you feel as if your life is about to end with every maneuver yet somehow things work out, most of the time. I don’t think most Americans can really comprehend chicken until had been on the roads of India.

Of course, our driver wanted baksheesh or money. We gave him a generous tip and he still gave us hassle. Insert tough skin now.

Our room was extremely depressing small with two twin beds. The shower was crap and somehow freezing even though the temp outside was 70s. I forgot that it is not customary at Indian budget hotels to have sheets so we tried to sleep under some scarves I brought from home.

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